Motor Insurance

A motor insurance policy is a mandatory policy issued by an insurance company as part of prevention of public liability...

House Holder Insurance

This is a package policy, designed to meet the requirements of householders by combining a number of covers under a single policy...

Overseas Meciclaim Insurance

This policy is for any Indian resident traveling abroad. It is mandatory in some Western countries for a visitor to their country to be covered by a Health Insurance Policy. In its absence, he may run the risk of repatriation or quarantining in the airport itself...

Personal Accident Insurance

This policy offers compensation in case of death or bodily injury to the insured person, directly and solely as a result of an accident, by external, visible and violent means...

Individual Mediclaim Insurance

Mediclaim Protects you and your family in case of you need medical care. It also offers you cashless benefits & medical reimbursement of hospital expenses."...